Twelfth Grade Kills by Heather Brewer

Twelfth Grade Kills (The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod, #5)Twelfth Grade Kills by Heather Brewer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Title: Twelfth Grade Kills

Author: Heather Brewer

Series: The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod

Published: 2010

Summary: It’s Vlad’s senior year of high school, which comes with more than just a typical teenager’s frustrations.

This book is my absolute favourite of the Vlad Tod series. It’s so well-written and I just could not put it down! I teared up a bit at the end, mostly because the series is over but also because the ending is beautiful and touching in its own way.

I cannot wait to read more from Brewer. She’s a great YA author.

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You by Charles Benoit

YouYou by Charles Benoit
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Title: You

Author: Charles Benoit

Published: 2010

Summary: You are Kyle Chase, a kid who is going nowhere in life. You are unmotivated and angry at the world. That is, until you meet the new kid at school. Zack McDade shows promise and the ability to flip your world upside down.

I picked up this novel for two reasons: 1) It’s written in second person, which is my favourite of the 3 modes of point-of-view. 2) The description from the inside flap tricked me and got me interested.

The novel itself is an easy read and second-person narrative really helps the story along. My main issue is with the ending. I felt like things were unresolved and while Benoit may have done this on purpose, I really don’t think it helped the story.

For my own headcanon in regards to this story, I’m just going to imagine that Kyle Chase ended up mortally wounding Zack McDade.

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Fixing Delilah by Sarah Ockler

Fixing DelilahFixing Delilah by Sarah Ockler
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Title: Fixing Delilah

Author: Sarah Ockler

Published: 2010

Summary: When tragedy strikes the Hannaford family, Delilah finds herself back in her childhood summer home. While there, she is surrounded by painful memories and hidden truths that she must face with her mother and aunt.

I’ve had this on my to-read pile at home for a week or so now and I’d been avoiding it for a bit since I’m currently going through a family crisis of my own and thought it would hit a bit too close to home.

Thankfully, that was not the case and I was able to finish this novel in on sitting earlier this afternoon. I really enjoyed it, even though I felt there were quite a few places where the story dragged or otherwise lost my interest.

Memorable quotes from the novel include:

“My sisters may have a lot of the world figured out, but when C chases me in front of the black water while the entire state of Vermont is deep in their dreams, I close my eyes and spin around and wonder if they will ever get a chance to feel this way.” — page 93

“‘I was, but then I realized that I was holding on to something that didn’t exist anymore. That the person I missed didn’t exist anymore. People change. The things we like and dislike change. And we can wish they wouldn’t all day long, but that never works.'” — page 142

(this review is being cross-posted to She Loves Books:

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